
Top 10 Technology Basics For Affiliate Businesses

Technology is an important consideration for any online marketing business, but frequently beginning internet marketers don't have a good understanding of what kind of technology is necessary or how it will impact their businesses.The following ten tips should help you get off to a good start.Try to launch systems and processes that integrate easily, and are up 100% of the time to support customers and prospects. Create an "automated money machine" that is backed by an excellent technical support team, to make your life uncomplicated and your wallet full.1. Computer & PrinterIf conduct internet marketing (IM), you'll need a computer - preferably one of your own, either a desktop model or a laptop. Get one with plenty of memory and speed. A broadband is preferred over dial-up. You'll also need a printer. If you can, get both with wireless capabilities.2. Your Own Domain NameYou'll want a domain name that belongs to you, so that you can begin to create your own brand. Further, some providers will not allow you to refer to an Iphone 4s Game Controller affiliate website, but only a domain that you own. A good domain name will be short (30 characters or less), meaningful to the eye and the ear, and directly related of your business or product. The most popular names end in ".com" and such names are favored for most internet marketing businesses, if available.3. TelecommunicationsAnother essential tool is telecommunications, including an ISP and a telephone - either land-line, cellular, or VOIP, with or without headset. It should have both local and long distance features, and if you plan to hold conferences for your downline, the ability to handle conference calls. If you're going to do teleseminars, etc., you'll probably want to invest in a teleconferencing service that can handle many, perhaps hundreds or even a thousand, callers at the same time.4. Web Hosting ServiceYou'll need a hosting service to provide a "home" for your website. There are many web hosting companies available to help home businesses and internet marketers. Their offerings do differ somewhat, as do their costs, so be sure to shop around before making your decision.5. Data & Systems SecurityYou'll also require good security for your software and data. This can take the form of physical security, plus technologies such as firewalls, and security applications like McAfee or Norton.6. Data & Systems Backup/Restore CapabilityAnother requirement is for backup of your locally stored programs and data. Regardless of other security measures, there will probably come a time when you undergo some sort of a system crash, with either partial or complete loss of data and key programs. Consequently you will also want a healthy backup and restore system.7. ProductsYou'll require one or more products to sell - products that you have developed yourself, or ones that have been created by one or more third parties. If you offer your own products, then you'll also have to worry about all the associated back office capabilities. If you get your products from third parties, then you'll have to worry about supply relationship management, order fulfillments, customer satisfaction and proper payment.8. Affiliate Program NetworkIf you're intending to sell numerous affiliate products, you'll probably also want to join one or more Affilate Program Networks (APNs), such as ClickBank, Commission Junction, or LinkShare, watch repair etc. to handle your commissions, sales statistics, and other back office functions for you.9. Web 2.0 CapabilitiesThe Net is constantly changing, so if you want to be successful in today's online world, you'll want websites and services that allow blogging and social communities (i.e., ones that use Web 2.0 to facilitate a whole host of collaboration, interaction and participation, using the web as the network platform).10. Technical SupportFinally - another commonly overlooked requirement - is the need for first-rate technical support - for both your local hardware and software, but even more importantly, for any of your customer-facing websites and product systems. If your customer-facing systems go down and you are not able to get prompt technical support from any/all your vendors, the resultant downtime can influence your advertising and marketing campaigns, you can lose or annoy potential customers, and ultimately, your bottom line will suffer (and your brand, as well).Technology is the lifeblood of an affiliate business, and given Murphy's Law, you should to prepare for the eventual downtime and system crashes that happen as well. Implementing all these basic technologies will help ensure the success of your online business.I'm taking this advice to heart and operating my own online marketing business. I invite you to take control of your future and your financial security by starting a legitimate home based business.

